Render unto

Posted: April 21, 2010 in Government, Taxation

The following is a news report about attempts by North Carolina to tax sales of products:

Now if has salesmen or representatives in a State, then Amazon must collect taxes on sales into that State.  That’s because it would have what’s called “nexus.”

Businesses have to be careful about that.  If they’ve got any reps going throughout a State, those reps would generate substantial nexus for sales tax, or even business license fees, a nasty little surprise for some businesses.

However, if a business has no reps or salesmen in a State, and only fulfills orders over the Web or over the phone, then there’s no substantial nexus, and they don’t have to charge tax.  The Supreme Court has frowned down upon States that try to force tax collections in those instances.  (See Quill Corp. v. North Dakota, National Bellas Hess v. State of Illinois, etc.)

Presumably, didn’t have any significant connections with North Carolina, so was not required to pay sales tax.  However, North Carolina is trying to collect customer information so they can hit up those customers for use tax.

Lots of luck on that.

It’s likely the Supreme Court would rule against it as a burden on interstate commerce, not to mention running afoul of privacy concerns.

I agree with the Congressional moratorium on Internet taxation.  One of the worst things about online orders is the shipping costs.  When you purchase over-the-counter, you don’t have to pay shipping charges, but every item purchased online costs you about $3 or $4 dollars or more of shipping per item.

I’ve cancelled a number of orders already because the shipping charges were too high.  This is a disadvantage online businesses have, and adding a tax on top of that would probably kill Internet sales.

In any case, I think it’s a long shot for North Carolina, but it would be nice if the Supreme Court would rule on it once and for all.


Near and Farscape

Posted: April 17, 2010 in Culture

I finished watching the Farscape series last week, including the follow up Peacekeeper Wars.  For a long time I stayed away from this series, mainly because the “aliens” made the show look rather hokey.  I was even a little worried when the two main cast members from Farscape were hired to work on the Stargate series.

I can now say that I was pleasantly surprised.  Farscape turned out to be an exciting and fun science fiction series, with interesting and novel stories about life in outer space.

Oh, there are a few problems.  There was way too much vomiting on the show.  I couldn’t watch the show while eating lunch or dinner as I wasn’t sure when they were going to serve up another gross-out scene.

And the ending of the show — spoiler alert — was spectacularly naïve.  It was a simplistic disarmament message, that people make peace, not bombs.  In reality, however, bombs are what make peace.  As Reagan held, it’s not appeasement, but peace through strength that achieves peace.  Human nature has not changed, and bullying and aggression — like the poor — will always be with us.  Weakness merely invites attack, and more verses of Kumbaya are not going to change that (except perhaps in sci-fi universes).

In addition, the writers of the show could not decide on who the bad guy was.  The first bad guy started out as a Peacekeeper named Crais, who had no problem in murdering his subordinates.  Later on, however, Crais allies himself with the main characters and is eventually treated as a sympathetic, self-sacrificing character.  Another character, Scorpio, starts out as a bad guy, but in the end turns out to be a good guy, concerned only to stave off an enemy invasion.  Finally, the Scarrans started out as scary aliens bent on dominating the galaxy, but end up as reasonable guys after all.  No need to destroy them in a final space battle.

Also, the DVD producers committed a crime against intelligibility when they failed to provide captioning for the series.  I think I only managed to make out about 30 percent of what the characters were saying.

I’m not the only one who stayed away from the show because of the puppets.  Stargate producer Brad Wright didn’t like the show either: “Maybe I didn’t give it enough of a chance because I couldn’t get past the muppet,” he once said.

The muppets, or puppets, were done by Jim Henson’s company, famous for Sesame Street (Kermit the Frog).  One of the puppets on Farscape was named Rygel (voiced by Jonathan Hardy).  The frog-like Rygel often behaved in impish and self-serving ways, but whose outlook and actions were often hilarious.  He is perhaps one of the best non-human characters on series TV.  On the other hand, the turtle-like puppet named Pilot did not add much to the show, in my opinion.  Perhaps a more human character would have worked better.  I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say it that Rygel was enough puppeteering for any show.

The Farscape story involves a Buck Rogers character who meets a motley crew of space losers, a sort of Wizard of Oz group trying to escape from alien versions of the Wicked Witch of the Galaxy.  They do so aboard a living space ship named Moya.  John Crichton, played by Ben Browder, is an astronaut who is sucked into a wormhole during a space flight and ends up in another part of the universe aboard Moya.  With the initials JC and a last name that sounds like Christ, it’s almost too obvious that Crichton will eventually play a messianic role, saving the world or universe (which he did in Peacekeeper Wars).

His companions are a former Peacekeeper, Aeryn Sun, played in a no-nonsense way by Claudia Black (the opposite of her character on Stargate), a Luxan warrior, Ka D’Argo, played by Anthony Simcoe.  Ka D’Argo looks like the Cowardly Lion run through a sieve, but is the opposite of cowardly.  A blue alien, Pa’u Zotoh Zhaan, is played by Virginia Hey, and provides a “spiritual” component to the show.  She is referred to as a “blue-ass bitch” by Rygel, and has a plant-based physiology rather than an animal physiology.  The last main character is the sexually precocious Chiana, played by Gigi Edgley.

The show was best when it avoided long arcs (two or three episode shows), and did stand-alone episodes.  The multi-episode arcs were often tiresome, while the stand-alone episodes required the writers to become more creative, and bring about novel situations.  A major strength of the show is that the special effects and weird situations never diminished the characters, but rather enhanced character development.

There is more immoralism on Farscape than on shows such as Babylon Five, Stargate, or the earlier Star Trek franchise, but it did not have the raw amoralism of the new Battlestar Galactica.  Immoralism is to be expected on science fiction TV shows — going as far back as the days of Captain Kirk, playboy in space — but amoralism, a sort of non-awareness of moral issues, seems to be a new phenomenon.  I do not know where it comes from, other than perhaps increasing nihilism among script writers.

The main difference between Farscape and Babylon Five is that the latter has an epic background, borrowed from Tolkien’s Lord of the RingsFarscape did not have any larger purpose in mind at first but seems to have evolved in the telling, and is more like Star Trek in that regard.

Despite some problems, and the appearance of hokeyness and superficiality created by the puppets, Farscape is a science-fiction show well worth watching.  Far from diminishing the show, the puppet character Rygel almost steals it.  He is in some ways a lot like the scene-stealing character of Londo in Babylon Five.  When it comes to aliens and alien makeup, I always say less is more, and some of the characters could have done better with less.  Nevertheless, the overdone makeup and puppets shouldn’t put anyone off from watching the show.

I’m glad that Farscape’s fans petitioned producers to revive the series and give it a proper ending, as they did in the Peacekeeper Wars.  Not every show is treated this way.


Lunatic libertarians equate American soliders to those who crucified Christ:


The Arizona Tax Research Association (ATRA) has come out with a paper supporting passage of Arizona House Bill 2512:

This bill would have the effect of preventing third-party tax administration, auditing, or collection for cities or counties.  Its immediate effect would be to prevent Revenue Discovery Systems (RDS) from contracting with cities or counties in Arizona.  (I used to work for this company.)  In addition, it would also presumably sever contractual ties between RDS and Bullhead City.

ATRA starts off by complaining about the additional administrative burden that is placed on businesses by Arizona’s two-track sales tax system.  In their view the current system requires businesses to keep “two sets of books for the payment of sales tax — one for the state and another for municipal tax obligations.”  They claim that if third parties do tax collection for the cities, it will make the situation worse.

This is misleading, however.  In Arizona, we have two different types of cities: program cities and non-program cities.  The non-program cities are self-collecting — mainly larger cities such as Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, or Tucson.

Program cities are not self-collecting.  They are usually smaller cities who depend upon the Arizona Department of Revenue to collect taxes for them.

In the nature of the case, businesses will still have to keep “two sets of books” regardless of whether they file to the State or to a third-party.  On the Arizona sales tax return, it says “City tax for ‘program’ cities is also reported on the Form TPT-1.”  The instructions for the column B Region Code “identifies the county or city in which you conduct business.”  See:

So in actual fact, even with State collection of city taxes, businesses have to keep “two sets of books” in order to keep track of income earned in each jurisdiction.  So if businesses file with RDS, it will be no different from what they already do with the State.

A recurring complaint from ATRA is the “potential administrative burden” of audits.  They cite the Georgia Director of the Department of Revenue (DOR) as saying “it doesn’t make sense to require businesses to file a separate return for each county in which they do business.”

In addition, they cite the Director’s complaint that if the Georgia DOR collected for profit, collectors would be on “every corner interfering with legitimate business operations….”

This complaint is misdirected.  If RDS does the tax collections for Arizona’s program cities, businesses would not be filing returns with each city.  They would file only one return, viz. an RDS tax form.  The RDS form is much the same as the State’s TPT return, wherein the cities and counties are listed.  Thus, fears of overburdening business with excessive filing are not based on factual grounds.

ATRA speaks of “wrapping an extraordinarily bad idea” in the term “privatization.”  They believe the term is misapplied in that privatization “actually saves taxpayers money” whereas “contracting with RDS is an added cost to cities for a service that is currently free.”

However, the issue is not privatization, and I don’t know whether it would save money or not.  The issue is not money; it’s decentralization.  This is the true conservative position that I mentioned in my previous article “What Has Government Done to Our Money?”  The writer of ATRA’s article is confusing the libertarian idea of getting rid of government with the conservative view of decentralized government.

ATRA ends up with a reference to a class-action lawsuit filed in Alabama against RDS for a “series of violations to the Alabama Taxpayer Bill of Rights.”  I cannot comment on this lawsuit, since I don’t know the particulars, and couldn’t relay confidential information in any case.

However, ATRA’s claim leaves the impression that RDS is guilty of violating the law.  My response is that lawsuits are filed all the time by disgruntled taxpayers against taxing authorities — IRS and State revenue departments.  By ATRA’s reasoning, we should stop IRS and State tax collections for the same reason.

The issue here is not overburdening business, or the legality of third-party collections, or pending court cases.  It’s whether we are going to reaffirm a commitment to the conservative ideal of decentralization of government, or whether we will continue on the path of centralization and unresponsive, unaccountable bureaucratization.

Despite our current political circumstances involving socialized medicine, I believe the wave of the future will be decentralization.  It is too bad ATRA prefers to stand in the way of that out of a misguided sense of loyalty to the business community.

In the long run, decentralization would encourage both greater responsiveness by the cities to the business community and greater competition between the cities, thus lowering both administrative burdens and taxes.



For follow up, see:

Note:  Revenue Discovery Systems does not give prior approval to any writings or links on this blog, nor is notified in advance of any writings or links on this blog, nor is responsible in any way whatsoever for any content expressed in any writings or links on this blog.   The views expressed above are my own opinions.

Obamacare & Violence

Posted: March 26, 2010 in Uncategorized

There are many who are complaining about Obamacare, and some who are counseling violence of some sort in response.   Nevertheless, as Lincoln said after the firing on Fort Sumter: “[B]allots are the rightful and peaceful successors of bullets; and that when ballots have fairly and constitutionally decided, there can be no successful appeal back to bullets; that there can be no successful appeal except to ballots themselves, at succeeding elections.”  (“Message to Congress,” July 4, 1861.)

As long as we have representative government, no one can rightfully appeal to violence.  Many of us were warning of the dangers of electing Democrats back in 2006 and Obama in 2008.  Some of us hoped Obama would take a middle road and be more like Bill Clinton than Jimmy Carter.  This hope has been dashed.  The results were predictable: a year after the socialists took control of Congress, the economy began to falter, and even now, after the first year of  the Obama presidency, we are still mired in the Great Recession. 

Obama seems determined to turn this country to the left, away from Reagan.  All the gains of the Reagan and post-Reagan years are being wiped out.  Instead we have trillions of dollars of debt, new social programs we can’t afford, and a feckless foreign policy.  And lurking in the shadows of the economy is mass inflation, waiting for the banks to start lending again.

Many libertarians hated George Bush and Republicans.  As John J. Miller said as far back as 2002: “Libertarians are now serving, in effect, as Democratic Party operatives.”  (NYT, 11/16/2002.)  Now that libertarians have gotten what they wanted, they’re suddenly whining about the resulting socialism and tyranny.  Duh!

As the billboard said, “Bigger government, more spending, less freedom.  Miss me yet?”  Granted, Bush wasn’t perfect, but sometimes common sense tells us that a lesser evil is to be preferred to a greater evil.  But then again, when have purist libertarians ever allowed common sense to guide their politics?

You reap what you vote for.  If you wasted your vote with third-party candidates out of a hatred of Bush or the Republicans, you essentially voted for Obama. Or if you spent your time trashing Sarah Palin during the last election cycle, it is now useless to complain about who’s in charge.

There’s a price to pay for political stupidity — and many libertarians and “moderates” are paying that price — but to compound it with violence or threats of violence is sheer insanity.  Away with such Sumterism!  It is better to have Obama and all of his social-fascist programs than it is to countenance terrorism or worse.


The man who flew his plane into an IRS building sounded to me like a purist libertarian, and right on schedule the purist libertarians have come out in defense of him.  Writing on the Lew Rockwell site, lawyer John Whitehead had this to say:

“Clearly, [Joseph] Stack is neither a hero nor a martyr. Nor is he technically a terrorist. Rather, he is the end product of a system that pays little heed to the disaffected, discontent and voiceless. And while Stack may have been alone in the cockpit of that Piper Cherokee plane, he is not alone in his discontent and frustration.”

Thus, Joe Stack, murderer and terrorist, was the end product of a system.  He apparently did not have libertarian free agency but was moved along by forces beyond his control.  This is, of course, the fundamental axiom of socialism (cf., Godwin, Fourier, Owen, et al.).  Continues Whitehead:

“Stack is representative of a burgeoning class of disaffected Americans who are waking up to the reality that the American governmental system no longer works as it was intended. . . .”

This reminds me of the moral equivalence crowd, who will not condemn acts of terrorism without somehow managing to blame the victims of it in the process.  Whitehead says Stack was “pushed to the breaking point.”  He finds a moral lesson in the incident, that it should be a “wake-up call to Americans.”

On the charge that Stack was spouting socialism or populism, Whitehead says, “But that’s the problem with people who can’t distinguish between politics and basic human decency. They have lost sight of their humanity.”

He does manage to say something critical of Stack: “The problem with the Joe Stacks of the world is that they keep relying on government to fix the problems, but government officials are not going to fix them because most of them don’t really seem to give a damn.”

So in Whitehead’s view, Stack was on the one hand forced by his libertarian desperation into flying his plane into an IRS building, but on the other hand was also forced by his anti-libertarian statism to fly his plane into an IRS building.

Whitehead’s solution for the “Joe Stacks of the world” — the “disaffected and alienated ones among us” — is (drum roll) “churches and synagogues and private institutions.”

Given that Stack hated organized religion, it’s difficult to see how churches, synagogues, or private institutions would have changed his behavior.

In his manifesto, Stack said that he grew up learning about American principles of justice, such as no taxation without representation.  However, “I have spent the total years of my adulthood unlearning that crap from only a few years of my childhood.  These days anyone who really stands up for that principal [sic] is promptly labeled a ‘crackpot’, traitor and worse.”

Stack interprets the American Revolutionary principle as practically saying no taxation at all.  Nevertheless, the facts are that the British were attempting to tax Americans to raise revenue, sidestepping colonial governments in the process — i.e., it was a kind of inverted Old Sarum politics.

The town of Old Sarum had no voters, but two representatives in Parliament, and then in the 1800s eleven voters who did not even live in the town.  Inversely, Revolutionary Americans saw themselves as having plenty of voters, but no representation.  This sort of thing happened on a large scale.

Colonists granted that England had the right to tax Americans for the regulation of trade, but not to raise revenue (without their consent).  It was not a simple populist anti-tax reaction.

We’ve had representative government for more than 200 years now.  If anyone is to blame for the development of byzantine bureaucracies and tax codes, it’s the American people.  They vote every election for representatives who add to the miasma.  Agencies such as the IRS or local taxing authorities are simply following the law as written by elected representatives.  So it is patently false that America has taxation without representation.

Stack practically admits this when he says, “I can say with a great degree of certainty that there has never been a politician cast a vote on any matter with the likes of me or my interests in mind.”

But it is one thing to complain about no representation (as the colonial Americans did), but quite another to complain about bad representation, as Stack did.  He confused the one with the other.

Stack then indulges in populist rants against corporations such as GM and against America’s health care system — with typical rich vs. poor rhetoric beloved of demagogues.

He then turns his attention to the tax code, and complains that it’s too complex even though it still holds taxpayers responsible to comply with all tax laws.

There’s no question that people are frustrated with complicated tax laws and they hate doing their taxes as much as they might hate (say) jury duty.  So what else is new?  Most who are overwhelmed will use tax software, or hand over their shoeboxes of tax information to CPAs or tax preparers.  And there are flat-tax proposals out there but if voters don’t elect the right people, nothing will change regarding our tax system.

Reading Stack’s autobiography, it appears he was a tax protestor with an irreligious bent:  He says:

“My introduction to the real American nightmare starts back in the early ‘80s. . . . Some friends introduced me to a group of people who were having ‘tax code’ readings and discussions.  In particular, zeroed in on a section relating to the wonderful ‘exemptions’ that make institutions like the vulgar, corrupt Catholic Church so incredibly wealthy.  We carefully studied the law (with the help of some of the ‘best’, high-paid, experienced tax lawyers in the business), and then began to do exactly what the ‘big boys’ were doing (except that we weren’t steeling [sic] from our congregation or lying to the government about our massive profits in the name of God).  We took a great deal of care to make it all visible, following all of the rules, exactly the way the law said it was to be done.”

So he got together with some like-minded tax protestors to exempt his income in the same way 501c3 organizations are exempt.  He goes on:

“The intent of this exercise and our efforts was to bring about a much-needed re-evaluation of the laws that allow the monsters of organized religion to make such a mockery of people who earn an honest living.  However, this is where I learned that there are two ‘interpretations’ for every law; one for the very rich, and one for the rest of us… Oh, and the monsters are the very ones making and enforcing the laws; the inquisition is still alive and well today in this country.

“That little lesson in patriotism cost me $40,000+, 10 years of my life, and set my retirement plans back to 0.  It made me realize for the first time that I live in a country with an ideology that is based on a total and complete lie.”

It seems Stack’s tax avoidance scheme was caught by the IRS, and he had to pay back-taxes.  He said that once the 10 years were up, he had dreams of being an “independent engineer” but was thwarted by the tax code.

His specific gripe involved the difference between employees and independent contractors.  The law in question was an attempt to prevent tax avoidance by computer programmers, et al. who were setting themselves up as independent contractors when instead they were really doing employee-type work.  For an explanation of the arcane tax issue, see:

Since the law went into effect, software engineers and programmers who want to do piece-work for corporations, have to work for a third-party “broker” who then leases the programmer’s services for the jobs.  Companies want programmers to go through these third-parties.  If they just gave the programmer a 1099, the programmer could come back later and say they were really employees, thus exposing the company to FICA tax risk.

I happen to agree with Stack’s complaint, though not with his solution.  I see no reason why engineers or programmers should not be able to set up their own businesses as independent consultants and not have to pay third-party “pimps” or “headhunters” in the process.

But there are more than enough issues in the tax code to complain about.  The way problems are solved in this country  — including tax problems — is at the ballot box.

That was Abraham Lincoln’s point against the southern secessionists on the eve of the Civil War.  He said that “ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors of bullets; and that when ballots have fairly and constitutionally decided, there can be no successful appeal back to bullets; that there can be no successful appeal except to ballots themselves, at succeeding elections.” (Lincoln, “Message to Congress,” July 4, 1861.)

It’s true that a heavily centralized, bloated government can make voters feel like little more than cogs in a machine and that they have no recourse against a vast, impersonal bureaucracy.  Nevertheless, the solution is decentralized government, not more government, and certainly not, as Lincoln said, a resort to violence.

Stack’s argument might be taken more seriously if there were some evidence he had actively supported efforts to decentralize government.  Instead, his populist ideas call for more government — stick it to the rich and to big corporations.  But that can only happen by making government larger and more centralized.

In addition, while Stack may have written letters, there is no indication he ever involved himself in local politics, joining local parties, or showing any concern for political process — which is the usual way things are done in America.

Despite the bad times, Stack was able to get work, but then he was laid off during the 1990s as a result of military base closings.  Later, he went through a divorce, struggled at business, then had to shut his business down because of the dot-com bust and post-911 security restrictions.  He then moved to Texas, and couldn’t find work, so he had to live on his retirement savings.  He says:

“I filed no return that year thinking that because I didn’t have any income there was no need.  The sleazy government decided that they disagreed.  But they didn’t notify me in time for me to launch a legal objection so when I attempted to get a protest filed with the court I was told I was no longer entitled to due process because the time to file ran out.  Bend over for another $10,000 helping of justice.”

So, apparently Stack did not respond to IRS inquiries or notifications within the legally required time, and thus could not bring the issue to court.  And here we come to Stack’s most recent problem:

“So now,” he says, “we come to the present. . . . [H]ere I am with a new marriage and a boatload of undocumented income, not to mention an expensive new business asset, a piano, which I had no idea how to handle.  After considerable thought I decided that it would be irresponsible NOT to get professional help; a very big mistake.”

So given all of his problems in the past with taxes, one would think Stack would give up his tax avoidance schemes.  But then he tells us he had a “boatload of undocumented income.”  And he also claims that a piano is a business asset, which would only be true if he were a professional piano player or music instructor.  He also mentions that his wife had unreported income.

The results were predictable: “This left me stuck in the middle of this disaster trying to defend transactions that have no relationship to anything tax-related (at least the tax-related transactions were poorly documented).  Things I never knew anything about and things my wife had no clue would ever matter to anyone.  The end result is… well, just look around.”

Like tax delinquents, tax cheats, tax protestors, or just sloppy taxpayers everywhere, Stack could not prove his income was exempt nor that his deductions were valid.  Not even a shoebox apparently as backup.  He says:

“I know I’m hardly the first one to decide I have had all I can stand. . . . Sadly, though I spent my entire life trying to believe it wasn’t so, but violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer. . . . Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man, let’s try something different; take my pound of flesh and sleep well.”

He then concludes: “The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.  The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.”

In actual fact, the communist creed is more like what George Orwell said: all are equal, but some are more equal than others.  Taxation is a fact of life, like death, and exists in any economic system, no matter how well-disguised or renamed.

It’s interesting to see that in Britain a Tea Party movement is beginning.  See:

However, as much as we might sympathize with those who oppose heavy taxation or complicated tax rules, we must remember that the original “Tea Party” philosophy was not about taxation per se.  It was about the nature of representation.  It is too bad that Joe Stack never learned this lesson.  For further discussion, see my essay on the American Revolution at:


Grace Amazing

Posted: February 18, 2010 in Culture, Theology

Celtic Woman really hits this one out of the ballpark:

Wikipedia has a lot of information about this song at:

I did not realize that one of the verses to John Newton’s “Amazing Grace” had been taken from Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin:

“When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise,
Than when we first begun.”

Judy Collins introduced a whole new generation to the song around 1970 and the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards based their popular arrangement on Collins’s version.  The Celtic Woman arrangement is based on the Guards’ version and starts off the same way.

The Wikipedia article says, “Since the 1970s, self-help books, psychology, and some modern expressions of Christianity have viewed this disparity in terms of grace being an innate quality within all people who must be inspired or strong enough to find it, something to achieve.  In contrast to Newton’s vision of wretchedness as his wilfull sin and distance from God, wretchedness has instead come to mean an obstacle of physical, social, or spiritual nature to overcome in order to achieve a state of grace, happiness, or contentment.”

There is definitely a clash of theologies going on here.  To sing “Amazing Grace” as though it were about some innate quality in man, or man’s ability to achieve a goal, is about as perpendicular to the meaning of the song as one can get.  The main point of the song is that there is nothing in us that is worthy of God’s favor, not in our lifetime, not in a million years, not ever.  And yet God still saves us.  That is what Newton thought was so amazing about grace.

It’s rather amazing in itself that people can sing the same song and have two entirely different meanings in mind.

I’m reminded of what the theologian Karl Barth said in 1934 to the “German Christians,” just before the nightmare of fascism & Nazism descended upon Germany.  He was very opposed to the “God and” theology, the idea that God needed a human contribution in the matter of salvation:

“Let me warn you now,” he said.  “If you start with God and . . . you are opening the doors to every demon.  And the charge which I raise against you, I lay before you in the words of Anselm: ”Tu non considerasti, quandi ponderis sit peccatum!  You have failed to consider the weight of sin.  And that is the sin: that man takes himself so very seriously.”  (God in Action, pp. 137ff.)


The Red Sea

Posted: February 15, 2010 in Uncategorized

Depending on context, the Bible uses the term “Red Sea” (yam suf) to refer either to the western Red Sea (bordering Egypt, i.e., the Gulf of Suez), or to the eastern Red Sea (in the land of Edom, i.e., the Gulf of Aqaba).

In some cases, Hebrew suf refers to “reeds” as in Exodus 2:3ff., where the mother of Moses placed the ark in the reeds (suf) and where the daughter of Pharaoh found Moses.  Literally, the biblical term yam suf means “sea of reeds,” but that is an etymological translation, not an identification of the body of water in question.  Many believe suf is a loan word from Egyptian twf (meaning papyrus).

The term suf in yam suf simply refers to what may have been the origin of the name “Red Sea” not to its geographical location.  Some claim that the western Red Sea (Gulf of Suez) cannot be meant as the place of the Israelite crossing because reeds do not grow in salt water.  However, this is an illustration of what D. A. Carson called the root fallacy:

“One of the most enduring of errors, the root fallacy presupposes that every word actually has a meaning bound up with its shape or its components.  In this view, meaning is determined by etymology; that is, by the root or roots of a word.”  (Exegetical Fallacies, 1996, pp. 28ff.) 

For instance, our English word “nice” means pleasant or good, but its Latin root means “ignorant.”  (Idem.)  Thus, a translation cannot always be based on etymology, but has to be based on usage and context as well.  If that’s true of translation, it goes double for interpretation (e.g., location or identification).

So the literal or root meaning cannot in itself be used as a geographic indicator.  This is shown by Numbers 33:10, where the term “Red Sea” (yam suf) has reference to the eastern Red Sea, the salt-water Gulf of Aqaba.  It does not refer to a fresh-water lake of reeds.  In 1 Kings 9:26, Ezion Geber is located on the shore of the eastern Red Sea (yam suf) bordering the land of Edom, again the Gulf of Aqaba, not a fresh-water marsh.  (See also, Jer. 49:21.)

With respect to the Red Sea of the Israelite crossing, the Septuagint translates the term yam suf as “Red Sea” (eruthra thalasse).  This is not so much a literal translation of yam suf as it is an identification of it with the western Red Sea.  Thus, the Jews of the 3rd to the 1st century BC understood yam suf as referring to the traditional Red Sea (Gulf of Suez).  Note that eruthra thalassa is not a reference to reed-filled lake marshes since eruthra means “red” not “reeds.”

The New Testament writers also ascribed the Israelite crossing to the western Red Sea (Acts 7:36, Hebrews 11:29).  Here they also used eruthra thalassa (red sea) to translate the Hebrew yam suf (sea of reeds).  The authority of the New Testament seems decisive to me.

I think the reason translators want to translate yam suf as referring to a shallow lake or to northern marshes above the Gulf of Suez is simply because they are attempting to downplay the miraculous and provide a naturalistic explanation for the crossing.

I don’t think Christians have this option if they really believe in the biblical philosophy of history vis-à-vis a naturalistic, uniformitarian philosophy of history.

See for discussion, James K. Hoffmeier, Israel in Egypt, 1996, pp. 199ff; Nahum M. Sarna, Exploring Exodus, 1986, pp. 106ff; Colin J. Humphreys, The Miracles of Exodus, 2003, pp. 172ff.

For New Courville, a crossing at the Gulf of Suez is consistent with the MB1 Exodus theory since MB1 indicia have been found on both sides of the western Red Sea.   In our opinion, the best location for the Israelite crossing of the Red Sea is in the Gebel Atika area, where MB1 indicia have been found.  This area is on the Egyptian side of the Red Sea.  The Israelites would have entered the Sea at this point and journeyed to the other side, arriving perhaps at Ayun Musa, about 13 miles distance.  For more discussion, see our essay “Crossing the Red Sea”:


I write in protest of Arizona House Bill 2512, sponsored by Representative Rick Murphy.  This bill will prohibit Arizona cities and towns from hiring private, third-party contractors to provide tax services.

I work as a sales tax auditor for an Alabama-based company called Revenue Discovery Systems (RDS).  Formerly I worked for the Arizona Department of Revenue for about 18 years until the Arizona legislature “riffed” a third of the employees (a “reduction in force”).

Wise legislators don’t cut their tax administration and collections services during a budget crunch since tax auditors and collectors bring in many more times the dollars it costs to pay them.  But the question of whether Arizona legislators are wise is one that perhaps should be tabled for another time.

Unfortunately, HB2512 directly affects RDS’s ability to do business in Arizona.  It seems to me if the politicians at the Arizona legislature cannot even get their own budgetary house in order, why are they dictating to the cities with respect to their budgets?

I was surprised to see that ATRA, a supposedly conservative organization, supports the House Bill.  The main reason is that ATRA is responsive to business lobbyists.  These lobbyists are concerned that if cities start hiring private firms, businesses might have to do more paperwork.

I see this as a non-issue.  In fact, business will be able to file on-line and it would be a simple matter of transferring their general ledger sales information over to their online tax returns.  Why would that involve any more “paperwork” than businesses already have with the State?

Business lobbyists are also afraid retailers and other businesses will be subject to more audits.  However, RDS is not an auditing firm per se.  Their primary function is administration of taxes (accepting monthly returns, tax payments, business licenses, etc).  Auditing and collecting are additional services offered to the cities if they want to pay more for them.

I think the true conservative position in these days and times is that government should be decentralizing, not centralizing.  This bill would take away the right of cities to govern their own affairs, and would amount to unnecessary centralization of government.

Someone (in Alabama I think) has accused RDS of employing “bounty hunters” to go after delinquent taxpayers.  Apparently, being a bounty hunter is a bad thing in this person’s view!  In fact, the American institution of bounty hunting is an honorable profession.

But RDS employees are not bounty hunters, nor are they law-enforcement officials or revenue agents, nor can they capture people and throw them in jail.  Prosecution of tax cheats or delinquents is, and always will be, entirely up to state and city governments.

I think it’s sometimes easier for taxpayers to work with private auditors in that it’s not quite as “scary” as it might be in dealing with government employees.

RDS is not a get-rich-quick scheme for cities to solve their budget woes.  Just hiring RDS doesn’t mean cities will start seeing money flowing in like a torrent.  Lost revenue from the downturn in the economy isn’t something a private tax service can change.  However, RDS has enough experience and resources to enhance efficiency in tax administration, as well as to discover uncollected revenue.

Businesses will also benefit.  RDS is owned by a large collections firm, and they can presumably afford the latest in online technologies.  This will mean businesses will be better able to organize tax information.  Losing track of how much one owes in taxes can be unnerving.  So, reporting taxes to RDS can provide businesses a way to stay on top of all their tax obligations.

The bottom line is that cities should have the freedom to organize their departments, including their tax departments, in whatever way they deem beneficial.  If that includes hiring private companies, that should be their choice.

House Bill 2512 is therefore unconservative: it diminishes the freedom of local governments; it discriminates against one or two companies since the legislation will have a direct impact upon the ability of RDS to establish a business in Arizona; and it will rob cities and towns and businesses of the efficiencies that can be brought about by an experienced private tax service.

For these reasons it should be rejected.



Note:  Revenue Discovery Systems does not give prior approval to any writings or links on this blog, nor is notified in advance of any writings or links on this blog, nor is responsible in any way whatsoever for any content expressed in any writings or links on this blog.   The views expressed above are my own opinions.

I just finished watching the re-envisioned Battlestar Galactica TV series (on DVD).  It was an exciting series, lots of action, special effects, and probably the longest chase scene in TV history.  Nevertheless, I really never liked the characters, and found the show to be troubling.  Halfway through the series – after the colonists escaped from New Caprica — I found myself rooting for the Cylons.

It’s hard to like characters who are mutinous, jihadist, immoral, genocidal, abortionist, and cowardly.  Consider the following:

  1. Commander Adama mutinied against the President of the colonies, and was never court-martialed for it, nor punished in any way.  Yet Adama had no hesitation in executing mutineers against his command later on in the series.
  2. While the colonists were on New Caprica, they engaged in terrorism, including suicide-bombing.
  3. The service men and women regularly engaged in inappropriate sexual liaisons, contrary to military codes of conduct.  For contrast, compare this with the Stargate series.
  4. The colonists had no hesitation in practicing genocide against the Cylons, even though the colonists regarded genocide as evil when practiced by the Cylons against humans.
  5. The President made abortion illegal, not because a child has a God-given natural right to life, but for pragmatic reasons – to increase the colonial population in order to avoid extinction.
  6. Near the beginning of the series, the Cylons discovered the location of Galactica and the surviving peoples of the colonies.  Some of these colonists were on faster than light ships, and others were on sub-light ships.  The new President, in an act of cowardice, abandoned the sub-light ships without even putting up a fight to defend them.  The same thing happened when the Cylons discovered the colonists on New Caprica.  Adama and Captain Apollo simply take their battleships out of danger without even trying to put up a fight.

In addition to these, on New Caprica, executive officer Saul Tigh took it upon himself to murder his wife Ellen because she had betrayed some of the other colonists (to save him).  This vigilantism was further seen after the colonists left New Caprica.  Some of the main characters, with the approval of the President, engaged in the murder of those who had “collaborated” with the Cylons.

Interestingly, neither Richard Hatch (original Apollo) nor Dirk Benedict (original Starbuck) liked the new series, though Hatch later reconciled himself to it and even played a recurring character on the show.  Dirk Benedict, however, never liked the show.  According to the Wikipedia entry for Benedict:

“Benedict was sharply critical of the revived series, and the changes to the story and characters.  A May 2004 article in Dreamwatch magazine, entitled ‘Starbuck: Lost in Castration’ revealed his disdain for the re-imagined series, its dark tone and its moral relativism.  Benedict said, ‘”Re-imagining”, they call it. “Un-imagining” is more accurate.  To take what once was and twist it into what never was intended.  So that a television show based on hope, spiritual faith, and family is unimagined and regurgitated as a show of despair, sexual violence and family dysfunction.’”

To me one of the biggest problems with the series is that during the final seasons, some of the main characters were turned into Cylons.  (Spoiler alert, if you haven’t seen it yet.)  I thought it was pretty stupid to turn Colonel Tigh and the Chief into Cylons.  It was bad enough that the writers had done it to Boomer earlier on, or changed Starbuck from a man into a woman.  But they really “fracked up” the story line when they turned main characters into Cylons.  They had a lot of explaining to do, as the switch created a lot of anachronisms in the narrative.

For instance, the Chief and his wife Cally had a child.  Since it later turned out that the Chief is a Cylon, the baby would have been half-human, half-Cylon.   At a certain point Cally is killed by one of the other Cylons, then the Doctor later tells the Chief  his son is not really his own child but was the product of an earlier liaison between Cally and someone else (a non-Cylon).  The Chief seems to take it in stride, as if it were nothing at all to give up one’s son to another man.

The writers came up with this silly resolution for the simple reason that they already had a half-human, half-Cylon child, Hera.  Having another half-human, half-Cylon child would detract from Hera.  Of course, if the writers had selected more plausible characters as the final five Cylons – and the Chief was certainly not a plausible selection for the part — there would have been no reason to get rid of the boy, or have the Chief react so non-chalantly to losing custody.

I wonder whether a gay agenda was at work in selecting the final five Cylons.  The obvious moral of the arc was that humans had to learn to live with Cylons, to get over their prejudices and intolerance toward Cylons.  One of the major goals of the gay rights agenda is to convince people that the gay lifestyle is the same as skin color or gender.  In this way, perversion can be turned into a civil right.  Maybe I’m just imagining it but whenever the TV or movie industry begins to talk about tolerance, it makes me wonder whether the sheep should get nervous.

Another bit of silliness is that the writers turned the 13th tribe into Cylons!  Thus, when the colonists found the planet called “Earth” they discovered it had been populated by Cylons.  In the original show, the members of the 13th tribe were considered “brothers of man.”  Why the new show chose to make them all Cylons is inexplicable.  It was just another meaningless attack on the canon.

I was also greatly annoyed at the decision to scrap all the ships and technology of the colonial fleet, flying them into the sun.  This deliberate rejection of progress and turn to the “simpler life” or to primitivism represents the romantic, agrarian view that technology and civilization are threats to human enlightenment and survival.

For me, such simpler life thinking would mark the beginning of a new Dark Age – and that’s apparently what ensued on New Earth.

As I said, this is a fast-paced and exciting series to watch, but you might want to watch the old series, too, to get a better appreciation for, and perspective on, the legend of Battlestar Galactica.
